• Sahitya Bhawan | Pratiyotia Sahitya Indian Administration book has been organised into thirteen independent parts.
  • Part one discusses the evolution of Indian Administration.
  • Part two explains the Indian Constitutional setting.
  • Part three highlights the working of public undertakings and its problems and challenges.
  • According to revised Syllabus Study of Public Administration is a part of the larger study of governmental processes and political systems.


1. Administrative system during the period of kautilya
2. The mughal administrative system
3. Administrative system during the British period : Legacy of British rule
4. Salient features of the Indian administration PHILOSOPHICAL & CONSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT
5. Salient features of the Indian constitution
6. The preamble : Philosophy of the constitution
7. Secularism : Soul of the constitution
8. The fundamental rights : Charter of political & civil liberties
9. Directive principles of state policy : Manifesto of aims and objectives
10. Fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy : Relationship
11. Fundamental duties
12. Parliamentary democracy in India
13. India’s administrative culture
14. Bureaucracy and development PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING
15. Public undertakings in Indian UNION GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION
16. Office of the president : Method of election
17. Powers and position of the president
18. The prime minister : Office and powers
19. Union council of ministers
20. The Indian parliament : Role and functioning
21. Working of parliament
22. The supreme court of India : Organisation and powers
23. Judiciary and democratic process : Context of judicial review in India
24. Judiciary and democratic process : Context of judicial activism in India
25. Cabinet committees
26. Cabinet secretariat
27. Prime ministers office
28. Central secretariat
29. Ministries and departments
30. Boards and commissions in India
31. National institute for transforming Indian Niti Aayog FEDERAL SYSTEM AND CENTRE-STATE RELATIONS
32. Indian federal system : Structure and processes
33. Centre-state legislative relations : An overview
34. Centre-state administrative relations : An overview
35. Centre-state financial relations : An overview
36. Politics of presidents rule in the states
37. Party system and political dynamics of Indian federalism
38. Over-centralization : A plea for state autonomy
39. Centre-state relations : Areas of conflict
40. Commissions on centre-state relations : Major recommendations
41. Role of the finance commission STATE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION
42. Office of the governor : Mode of selection and removal
43. Role of the governor : Powers and position
44. Chief minister and the council of ministers
45. Chief secretary
46. State secretariat
48. District administration : Changing role of the district collector
49. Panchayati raj institutions
50. Urban local government
51. Rural development programmes in India
52. Urban development programmes in Indian PUBLIC SERVICES
53. Evolution of the civil services in India
54. Civil services in India : Position classification
55. All India services : Nature, role and rationale
56. All India services : IAS, IPS & IFS57. Central civil services
58. The union public service commission : Composition, Functions and Role
59. State Services
60. State Public Service Commissions
61. Training and capacity building in the changing context of governance
62. Politicization of the higher civil services Relations between political and permanent executives : Issues of anonymity & neutrality vs. Commitment
63. Relationship between specialist & generalist administrators
64. Good governance : Initiatives in Indian FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
65. Budget as a political instrument
66. Budgetary process in India : Role of the ministry of finance
67. Control over public expenditure : Estimates committee and public accounts committee
68. Accounts and audit : Role of controller general of accounts
69. The comptroller and auditor general of Indian ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS
70. Administrative reforms : Insights from Indian experience
71. Reforming India’s higher civil services : Agenda for 21st century reforms MACHINERY FOR PLANNING
72. Economic planning, federalism and machinery for plan formulation
73. Decentralized and district planning in Indian ADMINISTRATION OF LAW AND ORDER
74. Role of central and state agencies in maintenance of law and order
75. Criminalization of politics and administration
76. Police reforms in India : Historical perspective
77. National police commission
79. Minister-civil servant relationship
80. Ethics and values in public service : Problem of corruption in Indian administration
81. The lokpal and lokayuktas
82. Coalition governments and politics : Problems of administration
83. Human rights : National human rights commission
84. Impact of information technology on Indian administration : e-governance in India
85. Globalization and Indian administration
86. Control over Indian administration
87. Disaster management

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